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Post Gamecube-Xbox Era and the "New" Gaming Platforms

Posted by Zelazon - April 3rd, 2024

I think the era after when Halo 2 had come out was a difficult pill for many people to handle as traditional forms of gaming like the Super NES fell way into the prehistoric era. Now that we weren't little kids, we could simply by the games we were interested into or would be able to shop in store without fear of retribution.

It's difficult, however, when the reality at the time was that there was not disposable income for a college/post-college student to be able to obtain any games at all. The hobby that should have been able to be obtained was stuck behind a financial gate that many affluent individuals had taken for granted but was nearly shut down by the fact of gaming itself being too expensive. This was extremely clearcut when the PlayStation 3 came out at a $600 price point; some people went, but many could not follow.

The bias in the late 2000 was pretty humorous around this timeframe as many individuals felt that access to the latest technologies allowed them prestige into a manner of eloquence that their piers were not able to experience. However, for me, I just felt that it was going to be a problem that I was going to eventually have to discuss at some point since I have been around the whole time.

I will not be discussing the Nintendo Wii, since the Wii was a failed attempt to update to current screen technology and a missed opportunity for meaningful progression at a time determined to be necessary.

  • Main Point: The console was obsolete due to requiring external items that are no longer sold, and being unable to access the content without spending too much money.

Videos games around the Xbox 360 era became primarily focused on a more kiosk-type brand where the consumer was encouraged to buy games or play them in a slightly social setting. If you were playing games, you were supposed to be doing it in an online setting, or essentially being public or sociable. It was weird for me coming from a background of it being more single player focused and games allowing the player to do whatever they wanted in whatever kind of time they had. Now, gaming was big business, and the player was simply a fry that fed the agenda.

Why this hurt the Xbox 360 so heavily is because after many of the games release, they fell into the multiplayer trap that the Nintendo 64 fell into with Goldeneye; it seemed like a great idea on paper, but without the publicity, there is no relevant need to play ANY of the games anymore because all of them look obsolete and the need for multiple people to be on the same or multiple consoles is nonexistent.

The way that gaming had been successful in the past is to a plethora of both single-player and multi-player games so that in both instances, there was the go-to games that you could rely on with the platform that ensures that the generation for that era survive.

Unfortunately for Nintendo, not only did Super Mario 64 not actually achieve its goal of being the game necessary for the Nintendo 64 survival, but Ocarina of Time was so instance on the first time you played the game, that the longevity of the game only survived during the era in which it lived. The Xbox 360 not only didn't have an equivalent game, but it pushed multiple to the brink of destruction with fad-based gaming, that no game is relevant today. Microsoft marketed niche gaming to such a hardcore degree that they forget that this problem is still pervasive as it because the standard paradigm in which many video game companies relied on for survival. I do not think many people today could name many single-player games from the Xbox 360 era that was not in the niche category that could be relevant by today's standards.

I think the only one that could be worth playing was Ninja Gaiden 2, but even then, it fell out of relevance the moment one beat the game due to it being super linear and not really interesting in its own right. Gears of War was a game they tried to market, but I think the problems is that today the game has been met with mixed reception, meaning that it's just a dead game.

Halo, any of them, you can play with the Master Chief Collection, but it's never really had that powerful grasp that people pretended it had. I was in high school when the game was still relevant, but Halo could never retain an audience. People who played it were continuously playing it, but in nearly every competitive circle, it didn't seem like they stayed with the game at all. It just fell apart by the seams in the same year it released, and no one was talking about it because I was not seeing any activity with it since I still seemed to be the only one playing it when looking at it from a future perspective.

I honestly think the damage was done when I had a better retention rate with many of the older games then the new niche games that they had marketed. Twitch.tv has done an excellent job of burning out the old-school games, but at some point, the games they burned out still have the ability of being playable and relevant from a repetitive perspective. Many games on the Xbox 360 are games that are left on the store shelves. I just don't know what to make of it since Steam has been released and you can buy them in the Steam Store, but to waste money on a bad game is not worth it.

I think since then, I have acquired as many older games that used to be relevant, and I still have them to be able to access. Today, it's just a problem because I look at them as a relic of the past that is no longer with us, and all of the older generations attempts at making themselves relevant has fallen by the wayside as their manners are become just a history book of sorts. People who were never given the chance to make games watch with feigned interest that the hobby closed against us, and now we are forced to talk about what they made instead of being able to contribute in a meaningful way.

One really feels the weight when it's someone that was for someone else to make, and you can just buy it if you like it.


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